Wednesday, October 25, 2006


A Roman thought

I'm going to see Julius Caesar on Saturday. I'm very excited, even if I do have to miss a football game because of it. At least I won't have to miss Ball State, since supposedly Patrick Stewart is going to be in the half-time show, which is super-cool. (I am a huge X-Men fan) . The title of my blurb is from Antony and Cleopatra, which I'm going to see two weeks from tonight. Seeing all three of the plays of the Royal Shakespeare Company's residency is going to take a lot of time, but I can't wait. I'm also taking Ralph Williams' mini-course for the RSC residency, which helps because he does a good job explaining aspects of the plays.

Now for my Roman thought: Before I can see Julius Caesar, I need to pass an exam on Thursday. It's the last of my midterms (this round at least... they start over Nov. 13) and it's going to be the hardest. At least I'm not the only one who thinks the test is going to be hard... I think most of my classmates are nervous.

A less Roman thought: Halloween is coming up. We're having our annual Halloween Party this Friday night at Martha Cook. As quasi-RA, I need to be there for the majority of the dance, so I need to think of a good costume idea. Right now I have zero ideas, but that's what the internet is good for. Last year I was "Someone You Can Count On" which consisted of a completely black outfit with construction paper numbers taped all over. Also on Friday I'm going to give a bit of a presentation at the Alumni Center to help fundraise for scholarship money. I'm glad to be able to help out, since this particular scholarship has helped me phenomenally.

Well, my lab is about to start, and then it's time to crack down on Hydrology.

Have a great week,

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