Wednesday, September 27, 2006



Hello all,

My name is Kaitlyn Cheesebro and I am a senior at the University of Michigan. I'm studying Structural Engineering through the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. My dream job would be to work as an architectural engineer.

Besides my classes, I'm also very involved around campus. I am the ARD of the Martha Cook Building, which is basically like an RA at the other dorms. I'm involved with intermural sports as well. This semester I'm on a soccer team with other girls from Martha Cook and we are the Cookie Monsters. We won our first game, but unfortunately lost our second. We hope to redeem ourselves by winning our third game tomorrow evening.

On top of all of this, I am in the process of applying to graduate schools for Structural Engineering. The four schools that I am interested in right now are the University of Texas-Austin, Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and of course, U of M. My first choice is Stanford, but I would love to remain in Ann Arbor.

That's all for me right now. I'm off to work on my grad applications a little more, so until next time...



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